Access statutes governing the practice of dietitians and nutritionists and download .pdf licensure application forms.
State's Department of Public Health outlines licensure requirements and provides .pdf application materials.
Investigate licensure and continuing-education requirements or review a code of ethics for the profession.
Agency describes its mission and purpose and offers a licensure FAQ, a calendar of Board meetings, and a licensee database.
Learn what's required for licensure, browse a database of licensees, and find a list of approved educational programs.
Read about the agency's mission and responsibilities, explore continuing-education requirements for dietitians, and view a list of Board members.
State's Office of the Professions details the educational and practical requirements for licensure as a dietitian and provides downloadable application forms.
Review statutes governing the practice of nutrition and dietetics, explore licensure requirements, and browse a code of ethics for licensees.
Browse a licensure FAQ, explore continuing-education requirements, download application materials, or review laws relating to dietetic practice.
Regulatory agency offers licensure application materials, newsletters, and a brochure for consumers. Find links to statutes relevant to dietetic practice.
State Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners outlines licensing requirements and provides downloadable forms and application materials.
Explore the organization's mission and duties, review laws and statutes governing dietetic practice, and find contact information for the Program.