Access a San Francisco Chronicle article discussing work evaluation trends. Learn about the 360-degree method.
Discover why performance appraisals are ineffective. Author suggests an alternative, the performance management system.
Find an extensive article explaining the 360-degree review process. Includes steps to effectively implementing appraisals.
Article argues performance appraisals are a waste of time and money. Suggests they create emotional anguish and place focus on short-term goals.
Stanley B. Malos explores legal issues relating to performance appraisals, such as negligence, implied contract and defamation.
Informative article on the shortcomings of traditional performance appraisals. Check out 5 ways to improve an organization's feedback process.
Discover the methods in which to perform a job analysis. Needed for compensation, training and selection of employees.
Provides an Internet-based 360-degree feedback program for performance evaluation, employee development, and organizational surveys.
Investigate suggestions for managers on how to create more effective workers.
Fred Nickols follows up a previous article by examining what happens after the performance appraisal system is discontinued.
Check out a comprehensive guide to writing clear and comprehensible work objectives.