Danny Almonte of the Rolando Paulino team from the Bronx, New York, threw a perfect game in the 2001 Little League World Series, including 16 strikeouts.
Read about the continuing investigation into the true age and eligibility of New York City star pitcher Danny Almonte.
Read the history of the league, find records of the exceptional players, and browse through the photo gallery.
Official home of these annual championships offers scores from regions leading up the series, spectator information and history of the event.
Tokyo Kitasuna team, winners of the Little League World Series, are honored at a New York Mets game.
Officials from the Dominican Republic concluded that Little League star Danny Almonte is 14 years old. His team's games were forfeited and his records wiped out.
Sports Illustrated reports that birth records show star pitcher Danny Almonte was too old to play in the 2001 Little League World Series.