Regional franchise of the tournament for non-professional bowlers presents the schedule, maps to participating alleys, and an entry application.
Search for amateur tournaments in the US by region. Chat with other enthusiasts in the bowlers' chat room.
Informational resource for bowlers seeking details on tournaments in the state of Florida includes entry forms for various events.
See the results from this amateur bowling tournament. Includes a calendar of other High Roller sponsored tournaments.
Non-professional, privately-owned tournament where anybody can win, or so goes the claim. Read its 57 year history, and get entry information.
Search a list of scratch, handicap, senior, women's, and youth tournaments by state, with links when available. The game is out there.
Lilac events have paid out more that $1,250,000. Find out how to cut into that sizable pie, get entrance information, and find area lodging.
Find out how to sign up for the tour of the Senior All Star Bowling Association, read its newsletter, or find results of previous events.
Handicap tournament in New York offers a list of fees along with the entry form, and scores from last year's tournament.
Find rules, registration, and prize information for the New York tournament held at the Roseland Bowl, or view a list of leaders.