Skeptical clients shopping for a lawyer can find resources and advice regarding attorneys and legal representation.
Learn how to get settlements, with or without a lawyer, and restitution for injuries such as whiplash.
Offers do-it-yourself legal kits for bankruptcies, divorces, child support enforcement, living wills, probates, and premarital agreements.
Resource center offers individuals forms, documents, and free legal advice for all areas of law. Use the referral system to locate an attorney.
Offers a FAQ, forums, live advice and books on adoption, divorce, child custody and support, prenuptial agreements and other family-law issues.
Lawyer specializes in medical negligence cases and class action litigation. Find published papers and links to legal resources.
Investigate people and organizations or search for unclaimed assets, credit ratings, classmates, lawyers and criminal records.
Research legal matters concerning school, the police, automobiles and health. Courtesy of the Southern Illinois University School of Law.
Users can post legal queries to the LawGuru's expert panel. Includes an attorney finder service.
Law portal offers legal news, question and answer services, a law firm directory and an index of resources for specific areas of law.