Read through recipes, advertising slogans, and a list of products in 16 snack food categories. Meet sponsored coaches and place an order.
Don't be frightened by Grandma's nutritional knowledge and corn-crazy animation. Take a quiz on grocery challenges and order snacks.
Manufacturers of over 400 types of snacks and candies offers packaging options like the vending pack, bulk bins, lay down pack, and zip bag.
Italian manufacturer of potato and cereal foods creates 3D cones, dinosaurs, fantasy objects, and crinkle chips.
Shop for small serving sizes of cookies, peanuts, gum and hard candy. Search for brand-name snacks by category or manufacturer.
Shop for wholesale snack foods and get recipes. Take a cruise around the company's headquarters and get nutrition tips.
Packages of potato chips, popcorn and pretzels pop on and off the screen, displaying the variety of available flavors. Read company history.