Offers a brief summary of each Vespa in his large collection, beginning with a 1962 160 GS. See photographs of each and a few classic scooters.
Read about painting and restoring Vespas. Presents pictures of the process, including the design and construction of a painting booth.
Mark owns eight Vespas, including a 150 GL, an APE AC1T 10603 and a Rally 200. Read about modifications and see pictures of each.
Learn how to draw a Vespa. Provides broken-down diagrams, prepared in FreeHand, and offers them to other Vespa pages.
Describes the 1968 Vespa GT and offers pictures. Read repair and technical tips, and learn about other mechanical items that he will repair.
Offers a Vespa history plus classic advertising posters. See a schedule of upcoming scooter rallies, look at the bikes and find classifieds.
Scooter owner offers his take on the scooter scene and provides tips on finding a scooter at low cost. Browse the list of parts for sale.
Classic Scooters Club Bergen offers this gallery of unique and bizarre Vespas. Check out the pictures and explore the links.