Articles and histories of Sephardic Jews in medieval Spain and Portugal as well as Elizabethan England.
Check this source for surnames of Conversos tried by the Mexican Inquisition between 1528 and 1815 for returning to their Jewish ways.
Article by Ruth Marcus Patt traces the three waves of settlement.
Offers details about ancient Anatolian synagogue ruins and settlements, the refuge offered by the Ottoman Empire and contemporary Jewish life.
Member of the Society for Creative Anachronism assumes the persona of a C13th Jewish lady. Learn about history and culture through her eyes.
Focuses on the rejuvenation of Judaism and the Jewish community in Cuba. Has articles in English and Spanish.
Provides links to a score of articles by Samir Raafat about Jews in Cairo, past and present. Includes a provocative feature on anti-Semitism.
Resource about Jewish authors in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia who wrote in French offers chronologies, population tables and maps.
Discover the Sephardic prose and poetry of the Golden Age, and links to architecture, music and commerce. In Spanish.
Trace the wanderings of the generations of Rambam's descendants in Ottoman Turkey.
Background on this particular lineage as well as the Jews of Spain. Link to genealogy and Sephardic resources and more family sites.
View a chart that displays common Sephardic names, their variants, their language of origin and their meaning.
Check out the index of sound clips, take a virtual tour of the Jewish Quarter and photo exhibit, and link to details on culture and traditions.
Explore the Jewish community of Rhodes, one of the oldest of Europe, through articles and photos. Access genealogy resources.
Offers articles on culture and forums for genealogy, recipes, languages, the arts, singles and communities. In English, French and Portuguese.
Learn about the programs and publications, and access cultural exhibits and multimedia. In English and Spanish.
Resource about Sephardic genealogy and history provides a list of related links.
Keep abreast of happenings in the community and learn more about Sephardic history and culture. Order related books, CDs, tapes and videos.
Chronicles the story of the Iberian Jews from the time of their expulsion from Spain, with details on their language, traditions and settlements.
Defines commonly used terms associated with the Sephardim and offers a short history of their life before and after the 1492 expulsion.
Follow the Gabbais from Italy to Egypt through a family tree and photographs. Includes related links.
Access articles, reviews and opinion pieces from the current and the two previous issues of this periodical published since 1971.
Article by Sol Levenson on the Jews who speak Ladino includes a bibliography.
Learn about the programs and services offered by the Orthodox Congregation Ahawas Achim B'nai Jacob & David. Find a calendar and phone directory.