Find out about the congregation and what is has to offer in English, Chinese, or Korean. Subscribe to the newsletter mailing list.
Features Christian education, music, outreach, an events calendar, programming for students, volunteer opportunities, and a collection of recent sermons.
5100 Cleveland Rd., Wooster, Ohio.
Claims to be the oldest, still functioning Catholic Lithuanian church in the United States. Find out about community events and worship times.
Provides a variety of ministries and an introduction to the church's beliefs and pastor. Features daily devotions and a section for kids.
Features Sunday school and study group programs for members of all ages. Find out what's going on this Sunday and check out the music ministry.
2460 Fairmount Blvd, Suite D (lower level), Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
Read a mission statement and a welcome from the pastor. Programs offered include wedding services, mission partners, a parish nurse, and education.
Sign or view the guestbook, browse a brochure, and learn about the history of the congregation. Visit the pastor's page and access sermons.
Visit the pastor's corner, read recent newsletters, view a photo album, meet the staff, and find out about special programs.