Analyzes the origin of the term along with mentions of Mount Calvary in Christian tradition.
Contains the text of the eight beatitudes from St. Matthew, along with textual criticism.
Encyclopedia abstract provides a brief explanation of the story behind the biblical term.
Read a succinct explanation of the biblical term and its interpretations.
Provides an explanation of holy texts giving praise to holy individuals and their appearance in the scriptures.
Read a brief encyclopedia article about the site where Jesus was crucified. Also find links to related topics and Web resources.
Encyclopedia abstract describes this historic region in the Middle East as it appears in the Bible.
Read about this agreement made with God by his worshippers as explained in the Bible.
Summarizes the story of the great flood and Noah's ark as told in the Bible and examines variations of the legend that have appeared.
Features a short description of Adam and Eve's original homeland from the Bible and its cultural significance.
Read a short history of this biblical location and find links to related topics.
Provides a brief explanation of the religious phenomenon of speaking in tongues and its history in Christianity.
Briefly recounts the story from the Bible of this religious statue created by Moses' brother Aaron.
Offers a description and explanation of the Biblical story about the battle between order-creating Gods and chaos-provoking monsters.
Describes the roles of the Old Testament priests who were members of the tribe of Levi.
Offers a profile of the 10 tribes from Israel and lists historical speculations concerning their whereabouts.
Learn where the religious world was centered before there was a Jerusalem from this encyclopedia article about the biblical city.
Encyclopedia article provides this brief overview of what a stigmata is and what marks are usually associated with it.
Presents a brief retelling of the Old Testament story. Read about the Babylonians' attempt to construct a tower to heaven and the outcome.