Explore the adventures of these giant jelly beans that live at the Meddybemps castle. Find imaginative stories and fun activities.
Presented by kids in Cambridge, New York, here's an interactive underwater adventure on a mission to save a rare species, the coelacanth.
Find a selection of stories to read and add to. Click on the hypertext numbers and submit text into the window provided.
Check out this fun interactive story about the Three Little Pigs called "Who's Afraid of Little Sweet Sheep?"
Interactive story presented by the National Gallery of Art teaches kids about sculpture. Click through the pages and hear the story read aloud.
Interactive stories written by visitors, edited, and categorized by genre. Use your imagination to take a story in a new direction.
Change, add or move on in this story that never ends, and never stops being rewritten. Jump in and shuffle around.
Create mad libs by submitting parts of speech into blank spaces and then seeing them placed into the stories provided.