Explore various disorders treated by neurosurgeons, interventional neuroradiology, general information, faculty, and facilities.
Clinic in West Palm Beach, Florida, performs noninvasive stereotaxic radiosurgery for brain tumors, acoustic neuromas and trigeminal neuralgia.
Simple introduction to this complicated procedure defines terms, lists conditions that may require surgery and identifies potential risks.
Read a summary of the lecture about brain surgery entitled "The Infinite Mind," and learn how to order a transcript of the video.
Encyclopedia provides a basic introduction to the history of this medical procedure that was once used to treat psychological illness.
News about topics in neurosurgery, patient-care data for a number of nervous diseases and reviews of current research.
Describes a patented robotic system that uses a laser beam to remove brain tumors and kill surrounding tumor cells without performing a conventional craniotomy.
Choose from a list of topics designed to educate patients about gamma-knife radiosurgery. Learn about safety, uses, cost, advantages and risks.