Features frequently asked questions about the effects of lead exposure. From the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
Find out who is at risk for lead poisoning and the symptoms of poisoning in adults and children. Learn how to limit exposure to lead.
A simple blood test can prevent a lifetime of permanent damage caused by lead poisoning. The CDC offers parents the basics on screening.
Find an Environmental Protection Agency action plan concerning alkyl-lead compounds. From the Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic program.
Cautions consumers about the dangers involved in removing lead based paints and warns that the task should be handled by professionals.
Find out how to test for lead and teach children about the dangers of lead poisoning. Includes a diagram for sources of lead in the home.
Find out how lead effects the body and learn the symptoms of lead poisoning. Suggests ways to prevent exposure to harmful lead.
Learn about the causes and symptoms of lead poisoning and find out how to protect children from it. Describes the legal options for victims.
National Safety Council's Environmental Health Center provides fact sheets and EPA brochures about lead poisoning and testing.
Study the implications of lead toxicity. Find FAQs and lead testing kits as well as learning of the company's services in California.
Company manufactures Ledizolv, a detergent formulated for use in the cleanup and control of lead-contaminated dust hazards.
Program targeting minority and under-served populations aims to teach the dangers of lead poisoning. Find fact sheets and video resources.
Sells screening kits designed to detect the presence of lead in the home or office. Find out what the common sources of lead poisoning are and what can be done about it.
Consumer Product Safety Commission discusses the hazards of lead based paint and encourages people to test older paints for lead content.