Browse this division of the National Center for Infectious Diseases' recent news, resources, and bacterial and fungal links.
Center for Disease Control's guide to infectious disease prevention. Includes tips on food handling and preparation, immunizations, and cleaning.
Locate recent and archived reports about outbreaks and surveillance of cholera, haemorrhagic fevers, influenza and meningococcal disease.
Link to fact sheets on emerging global communicable diseases and details about what is being done to monitor and combat them.
Infection control in hospitals and clinics includes info on nosocomial infections and management of infection outbreaks.
Modest encyclopedia article describes this class of usually mild infections that are caused by fungus.
Encyclopedia offers a brief overview of what infections are and how they work in the human body.
Nat'l Center for Infectious Diseases provides news of emerging and drug-resistant infections, and info on prevention and control.
National Center for Infectious Diseases provides journal articles, guidelines, brochures, factsheets and other information materials.
World Health Organization offers fact sheets, guides and reports on over 40 communicable diseases.