International referral service helps people suffering from social phobia and other disorders in finding a therapist close to home.
Read this point-by-point case, made by a psychiatrist, discussing why the name "social anxiety" is preferable to "social phobia."
Specializes in the treatment of shyness, social anxiety, social phobia, and related problems. Read case studies and access therapy tips.
Study a definition and a detailed table of symptoms of shyness. Includes information about shyness as it is exhibited in children.
Extensive archive of research conducted around the world on social disorders includes summaries of each project's findings.
Read this outline of the diagnosis criteria for social phobia. Should not be used to replace visiting health professional.
Explains what it is like to be socially phobic through this personal story of a sufferer of social anxiety disorder. Access a list of resources.
Offers a personal description of what it feels like to experience social anxiety. Access resources and links through a mental health Web ring.
Learn about this London institute's treatment methods for shyness. Includes descriptions of its homeopathic remedies.
London-based clinic specializing in social anxiety disorders provides resources and a program for those wanting to be more assertive.
While social phobia is more severe and clinically accurate, than shyness, this page contains resources that may be of help to social phobics.
Learn about the facilities, clinics and programs offered at this Northern California center for sufferers of social-anxiety disorders.
Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety provides information on social anxiety disorder that includes a FAQ, signs, symptoms, and treatments.
Read a personal account of someone living with social anxiety. Contact details are provided for those who wish to email the author for resources.
Resource for those suffering from social anxiety disorder or social phobia provides articles, a bookstore and therapy info for the Phoenix area.
Contains articles, information, and links for resources helping people to deal with social anxiety disorder. Access the social anxiety bookstore.
Interactive forums and special programs to help those who suffer from social anxiety disorder are offered here. Access a chat room and pictures.
Find facts and statistics about social phobia, from the Social Phobia/Social Anxiety Association. Discusses its treatments and prognoses.
International, postal newsletter about social phobia is written from the patient's perspective. Get a contact list of those with the disorder.
Information about social phobia and anxiety is provided by this resource. Find out how the disorder can be overcome with treatment and support.
Provides information on social anxiety and where to find help. Take a diagnosis test and access a FAQ or a section for health care professionals.
Provides a discussion forum for health-care professionals working to advance the treatment of social anxiety disorders. Register for free.
Description of this Pennsylvania university's academic program on social phobia includes a checklist of its characteristics and treatments.