Read about the experiences of a patient with post-polio syndrome. Includes information on iron lungs.
Non-profit education, networking, and advocacy group for polio survivors offers newsletters, physician directories, fact sheets, and FAQs.
Article details the social, scientific, and political effects of the Canadian polio epidemics of 1936-37. Includes graphics and references.
Contains over 100 full-text articles on post-polio conditions from a variety of medical journals.
Description of the causes, treatment and prevention of the infectious disease includes a discussion of post-polio syndrome.
National Library of Medicine offers links to news, articles, fact sheets, and research on the infectious disease and its long-term effects.
Support and education group for polio survivors describes its activities and offers articles, newsletters, and a resource directory.
Disease causing paralysis in young children has no cure, but has been almost entirely wiped out by immunization. Read an encyclopedia article.
Offers a time-line of the US epidemic, national and international immunization info, and a profile of the film.
Offers a list of doctors, and disability insurance lawyers. Includes newsletters, a list of polio conferences, and hot line numbers.
Learn about post-polio syndrome, browse an archive of newsletters, check out the support group directory, or browse links to other sites.
Read the current news and history of polio. Includes a diagram and details of the poliovirus life cycle.
California-based nonprofit corporation works to improve the quality of life for disabled polio survivors. Read the fact sheet and see resources.
Polio and post-polio resources, including articles, newsletters, an information package and related links.
Explore links to fact sheets about the disease and its long-term effects, post-polio mailing lists, and personal pages of polio survivors.