Meet Andy Behrman, a survivor of bipolar disorder, or manic depression. His memoir, "Electroboy," chronicles his experiences with mental illness and electroshock therapy.
Jane's Bipolar Disorder Review presents a literature review for manic depression. Includes links to other related sites.
Friends of Jeremy Jacobs have joined together to reach those who suffer from bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.
Contains discussions of bipolar illness, aka manic depression, and of medications for treatment, plus an index of mental-health links.
Personal side of bipolar disorder is told through words, images and sound.
Provides one individual's personal account of manic depression. Includes creative stories written during a manic state.
When she was 27, her husband committed her to a hospital. The story of a successful struggle with manic depression.
Presents bipolar humor, poems, books and descriptions of medications. Includes a personal account of the disease.
Conveys a personal account of bipolar disorder with suggestions on coping with the disease. Includes details on creativity and manic depression.