Swap fibro experiences in the chat room or page through the many reprinted articles. Has a section on activism.
Offers support group information, nutritional advice and a list of books relating to the condition. Provides a physician resource page.
Patients with fybromyalgia or chronic myofacial pain will find a list of support groups and advice on nutrition. Explores perpetuating factors.
Supplies a discussion board, chat rooms and disease-friendly recipes. Includes a calendar of events for this organization in the New York area.
Alabama group meets on the second Tuesday of every month. Find phone and email contact information.
Offers a description of the condition, a chat room and a poem written by a long-time sufferer. Includes links to related resources.
Provides advice for newly diagnosed patients and recommends some books. Features info specifically for men and includes links.
Salisbury, Massachusetts group offers monthly support meetings for people with fibromyalgia and related disorders. Find contact info and links.
Browse the message board to get advice, support, coping tips, and information from fellow sufferers, or subscribe to the newsletter.