Cancer survivor promotes and sells alternative cancer-treatment products. Find those for lung, prostate, colon, breast, and liver cancer.
Site focuses on exercise, nutrition, sun exposure and tobacco. Find personal stories and experts' answers to cancer-related questions.
Study a list of herbs and their pharmacological cancer-related activities, according to traditional Chinese medicine.
Learn about the controversial essiac, an herbal preparation said to have cured thousands of Canadian cancer patients.
Discusses the use of visualization and imagery techniques in modern cancer therapy by Carl and Stephanie Simonton.
Find a list of herbs used in cancer therapy, Chinese formulas for breast cancer, and foods to include in or eliminate from diets.
Naturopathic physicians advise visualizing healthy breasts and loving one's self as a breast cancer prevention measure.
Discover the Hoxsey therapy, an herbal remedy used to treat cancer which was condemned by the American Medical Association but used by many.
Science news discusses the use of milk thistle silymarin in protecting mice against chemically induced tumors.
Presents a discussion on fiber, fat, and breast cancer prevention and provides dietary guidelines.
Reviews both conventional and alternative cancer treatment methods. Includes a discussion on pioneering therapists and their herbal cures.
Cancer prevention and treatment specialist in San Diego offers books, videos, Zapper nonmetal wristbands, and an herbal parasite-cleanser.
Recommends electronic and herbal treatments designed to provide cures for such ailments as arthritis, depression, and cancer. Read testimonials or place an order.
Find out about Dr. Daniel Nixon's research with ellagic acid and his test to see if it inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Has a newsletter.
Read detailed reviews of complementary or alternative cancer therapies including herbal, mind-body, nutrition, and other biological and organic substances.