Find out about the $1,000,000 prize offered to anyone who can demonstrate the existence of the fundamental tenets of Therapeutic Touch.
Article entitled, "Applied Kinesiology - Muscle Testing Gone Mad," offers a short synopsis of the method, plus links to other contrarian pages.
Examines applied kinesiology and nutritional muscle response testing and how science points that it is not a valid study or profession.
Read about this man's personal experience with a weekend course in applied kinesiology and his conclusions about the practice.
Dr. Barrett cites scientific studies and tries to dissuade people from relying on applied kinesiology. Find essays and links to references.
Applied Kinesiology section in this naysayer's dictionary contrasts AK with kinesiology proper. Includes links and suggestions for reading.
James Walker discredits the study of applied kinesiology by profiling the founder and citing scientific studies.