Describes the botany of this variety of sage that is commonly used to flavor foods and medicinally used as an antispasmodic and astringent.
Heralds the antiseptic, astringent, expectorant, and diuretic actions of the herb, and gives preparation tips for ailments such as dandruff.
Notes that sage should not be taken for long periods of time because it contains thujone. Mentions the herb's diuretic and antiseptic qualities.
Purchase Salvia divinorum or diviner's sage in dried-leaf or extract form. Retailer delivers the product fresh from the Sierra Mazateca of Oaxaca, Mexico.
Learn about Salvia divinorum, known as Divine Sage, an herb used for shamanism, divination, and meditation. Order extracts, seeds, and clones.
Offers salvia divinorum extracts, leaves, and sublinguals, plus ayahuasca, banesteriopsis caapi, and psychotria viridis herbal formulas. Learn about the herb's effects.