Written for university physics students, this JavaScript-driven graphing program will graph any combo of all the standard physics functions.
Script for developers and students was created with the book "Computer Arithmetic Algorithms" and simulates commonly-used arithmetic algorithms.
Picks daily Bible readings from a schedule that takes the reader through the Old Testament once and New Testament twice in a year.
Learn school science calculations on electrical energy consumption. Created in JavaScript combined with a 3D rendered environment.
Course involves JavaScripts and some cookie functions. Automatically corrects the fill-in-the-blank and multiple-choice questions.
Script explores the FSGO solutions for the hydrogen molecule. The orbital exponent is optimized according to a simple scheme.
Tool for learning chords and keys, this script explores the layout of the guitar fretboard and the harmonica. Includes a chord calculator.
Find a script that calculates the ground state of the helium atom in this quantum chemical application.
Contains math quizzes written in JavaScript with 4 levels of addition, subtraction and multiplication. Also find fraction math quizzes.
Easy-to-update script requires no HTML coding and supports sending the score to an administrator automatically. Email the author with questions.
Creates multiple choice tests that can be graded and with the results returned via email. Input content in the text boxes.
University of Pennsylvania's Electrical Engineering Department provides this JavaScript chart for calculating resistance by color.
View displays of the discoverer and atomic weight. Move the mouse and watch the numbers as electron shells fill and valence patterns form.
Script simulates a random walk. Allows for a choice of the number of experiments, the length of the walk and the starting location.
Self-grading quiz allows visitors to test their knowledge of any subject. Calculates a letter grade and lists references for wrong answers.
Find this mathematical application, and enter the coefficients in the appropriate boxes. Will show the results in boxes Root1 and Root2.