Invoke a tool to convert colors from HEX to RGB and vice-versa, for use in HTML Web page design and general graphics applications.
View a table of the 216 colors used by most operating systems. Colors are separated by type and include each color's hexadecimal code.
Reference a hexadecimal color code chart, and sample entries against background colors. Code archives and language tutorials follow.
Makes it easy to create colorful web pages without having to deal with confusing hexadecimal numbers.
Use dithering techniques to make millions of browser-safe colors. Allows user to download a GIF tile of a specific color.
Helps evaluate color combinations quickly. Experiment with different hues for page's "BGCOLOR," "TEXT LINK" and "VLINK" colors.
Offers HTML codes for over 400 colors that work on any monitor.
Don't bother memorizing the HTML codes for background color, just use this handy chart.
Chart aimed at kids shows the 216 non-dithering browser-safe colors.
Explore this HTML color chart where the user clicks on the button next to the color name to get the color.
Helps developers pick colors when doing web-page design or other graphics work. Includes a download and documentation.
Offers an application for users of paint programs, such as Photoshop. Enter your values to view what colors will look like on a Web page.
Lists values for Netscape's 216 non-dithering colors. Use these colors to display pages cleanly to people using Windows and Netscape.
Victor Engel explains how Netscape uses colors, and provides a tool for authors to improve their pages.
Webmasters can create customized rainbow backgrounds with this "triple sine wave color blend" program.
Online aid for specifying hexadecimal colors when preparing Web pages for browsers that support colored text and backgrounds.
Web designer offers a chart featuring all the RGB colors used in web design. Browse by hex numerical codes or view swatches.
Web designer's shop sells laminated charts and cards for HTML and CSS. Also find color reference charts and mousepads.
Explore the interactive palette of the 216 non-dithered colors. Access articles, a color card and free on-screen HTML and color pop-ups.
HTML color chart provided by W3Schools, a free online learning center.
Basic HTML color chart provides easy access to each color's numerical code.
Select and view Web page colors by using the online color chart.