Offers an Arabic voice chat for members of the online community. Also includes a Syrian history, Arabic news and a business directory.
Contains a voice chat room in addition to MIRC and text chat. Look through a photo album to put a face with a voice.
Chat with up to ten people at once using voice capabilities. Create a custom chat room or join one of the existing ones.
Allows users to create chat rooms for up to ten people or hold private conversations. Browse through the directory and visit an existing room.
Online Asian community offers a voice chat room that also accepts text. Includes Asian holidays, recipes and humor.
Offers free voice chat channels in many languages. Create a new room or search for existing ones.
Offers a large network of people that chat through this system. Telephony features include voice chat, Internet phone calls and number search.
Presents media from around the world, including TV and radio. Join a voice chat to talk with users from different countries.
Promotes learning a foreign language through voice chat exchange. Register for a match and start learning and teaching a language.
Join a free voice chat about topics that include Music, Friends and Family, and Bicycle smart talk. Create a private room for a personal talk.
Visit this chat room site utilizing the HearMe voice/chat system. Use a microphone or type on the keyboard in an existing or personalized room.
Talk with other Canadians in either French or English. Read instructions, system requirements and join the conversation.
Thailand web portal offers several voice chat rooms topics that include romance, entertainment and a general room for meeting people.
Offers featured chat rooms for general conversation and enables users to form a private or group room. See system requirements and start talking.
Promotes the use of free voice chat rooms instead of long distance phone calls. Learn how to join in the conversations.
Visit Rick's page for voice chat conversations about music, Harley Davidson, and Computers, Networking and Cisco.
Offers free voice chat and includes a room for general discussions and meeting new people, or the ability to create a private channel.
Join the main Hispanic voice chat, or speak with people in specific places including San Francisco, Santo Domingo and Las Vegas.
Offers voice chat services for people and networks. Register with the sight to gain free access to many chat rooms.
Directory of humor and animated dance pages includes a voice chat room. Talk about a favorite animated dance in the chat room.
Talk about Halloween, Gothic beauty and vampires in a 24 hour voice chat room. Features many vampire links and resources.