Internet edition of the Cable New Network dedicates a live, Java-based chat room to political discussions. Check the schedule for topics.
Room is always open and dedicated to discussions about congress, including members and legislations. Read chatting instructions and guidelines.
Congregate in the live chat room to keep up on recent events in the political arena. Offers general discussion all time and some special topics.
Java-based chat room offers a forum for political discussion at any time. Talk with other users about the current presidential race.
Find discussion forums on a variety of cultural, political, and social topics. Includes registration information.
Includes a real-time chat room for live discussions of a political nature. Visit the main page for news and resources.
Contains a general chat room, hosted by Delphi Forums. Log on to the real-time discussion for the day's topic, or create one.
National Public Radio offers an news message boards for discussions about current events and politics. Look at the schedule for live chat events.
Features political discussions with a satirical flair. Join the chat at any time but be sure to look for specially scheduled topics.
Political chat hub offers rooms addressing such topics as abortion, the environment, political parties and the government.
Choose a country and political party, voice an opinion and subscribe for future events.