Australian didgeridoo player introduces his most recent CDs, and offers an audio sample, a bio, and contact info.
Explore an introduction to this unique Australian instrument and then check out the contents of Chris Adnam's instructional video.
Tim Porcelli introduces his Windy City "tribal sound ensemble." Includes RealAudio, CD sales, and performance and workshop news.
Text-only site offers an extensive directory of didgeridoo players, instructors, organizations, media, makers, and retailers.
Italian site includes a registry of players, tips on playing and building didgeridoos, MP3s, history and mythology, and info on the instrument's usage in music therapy.
Australia-based studio offers sanded, unsanded or handpainted didgeridoos. Listen to a sound bite of the instrument being played.
Dutch site offers a profile of the Australian instrument, CD and book recommendations, a photo gallery, and a calendar of didg-related events.
Portland, Oregon, didgeridoo player introduces his own playing and offers instructional resources, a mailing list, audio, photos, and book recommendations.
Listen to an audio clip of this floor-shaking Aboriginal instrument, read about it's construction and operation, and then visit
View a Fourier spectrum of a didjeridu tone, and find a basic physics analysis. Includes audio samples of the authour playing the instrument.
Johannes Schildkamp offers a detailed guide to building a didgeridoo from scratch, in both English and German.
Australian didgeridoo-retailer offers a selection of instruments, instructional videos, and music CDs. Place an order for a slide didge or get playing and buying tips.