Learn about the matronly aspect of the Celtic goddess triad through this brief description.
Known as the Flower Maiden, and the youngest incarnation of the Celtic goddess. Includes a short description.
Detailed description of this goddess's powers, rituals, and mythological appearances. Closes with a charge to keep her memory alive.
Find a brief description of this god of the heavens, the earth, and magic. Learn of the elves that worshipped him.
Welsh god of illusion and fantasy provided druidic services to his brethren. Find a brief description.
Find a brief description of this Irish god of war and the sun. Learn of the prophecy surrounding he and his father.
Read about the third and final aspect of the Celtic Goddess that revelled in setting men at war among themselves.
Irish god of literature credited with the founding of the Ogham script. Read through the short description.
Informed description of this deity, goddess of horses and the moon. Read a short tale where she is accused of killing her baby.