Specializes in Eastern Chinese cuisine. Find a review, the price range and the street address.
Check out the business hours, a map and a review that claims that the restaurant is the favorite Asian restaurant amongst Asians.
Gives an overview of the Chinese restaurant that's located in Caesar's Palace. Reviewer recommends that diners skip the continental dishes.
Provides a review of the restaurant, calling it a "city favorite." Find business hours and a price range.
Have a look at the map, business hours and price range. Also features an editorial review.
Offers the price range, business hours and a map for finding the way there. Read the editorial review.
Features an editorial review, a map and the location's hours of business.
Chinese cuisine with French and continental influence presents its lunch and dinner menu, email contact, and wine list.
Full-service Chinese restaurant serving the Las Vegas area presents a menu of appetizers, salads, entrees, chow and lo mein, and fried rice.