Read a brief history of this restaurant that offers Creole-style cuisine. Find menu selections as well as accommodation and reservation details.
Lakeview restaurant and bar specializes in oysters and other seafood fare. Browse a food profile, price ranges, hours and a location map.
Uptown eatery is famous for its raw and fried oysters. Browse a food profile, open hours, a photo and a visitor map.
Bucktown restaurant features fried dishes. Peruse a food review, prices, payment options, hours and a location map.
New Orleans branch of this chain restaurant is located on Lakeshore Drive. Read a profile, and find a visitor map.
Soul food restaurant hosts a gospel jazz brunch on Sundays. Find a food profile, details on hours and prices, and a location map.
Seafood joint also offers exotic dishes such as ostrich and turtle soup. Browse a menu profile, a location map, hours and payment options.
Canal Street restaurant and bar specializes in fish and classic seafood dishes. Peruse a review, hours, price ranges and a visitor map.
Lake Pontchartrain restaurant features crawfish and other local catches. Find a menu overview, a visitor map, and details on prices and hours.
Upscale Lakeview eatery features standard steak and seafood plates. Peruse a restaurant profile, details on prices and hours, and a location map.
Colorful restaurant has been serving oysters and other tasty seafood concoctions for over 80 years. Find some Acme gear.
Listen to piano music each night while sipping some fine wine. Click to obtain a reservation or a coupon for a favorite seafood dish.
Restaurant features a piano bar, courtyard, and balcony dining. Make a reservation and peruse the menu.
Located in the heart of the French Quarter, this restaurant serves shrimp supreme, trout norman, and guitreau. Find the various locations.
Casual spot to enjoy some typical New Orleans seafood dishes. Find menus, read news and reviews, and look for a tasty recipe to try at home.
Restaurant chain has three locations around the city and offers eat-in and drive-through facilities. Find menus and prices.