Extensive independent reviews of chess software. Includes reviews of PC and Palm software plus database tools.
Collection of computer chess programming resources features reference materials, programming techniques, endgame databases and research.
In addition to commercial chess software, find free and shareware, tutorials, utilities, links, and news from the world of computer chess.
Download this free engine allowing most Windows computers to play a complete game of chess.
Develop your problem-solving skills. Download this free Mac/Win strategy game from Edmark, for ages nine and up.
Instruction for chess enthusiasts. Features an online class for advanced players, and can be downloaded with the proper software.
Official homepage to Schr der BV's chess title. With loads of downloads, news, current games, reviews, screenshots, and other chess resources.
Company offers chess software and database programs. Check out featured products such as the SP Superbase and SP Zapbase.
Learn how to use Winboard compatible Chess engines such as Crafty and Comet. This FAQ also covers how to use Chess engines with Fritz and Chessmaster 8000.
Retailer's catalog of chess games and products includes boards, pieces, books, and software. Offers chess computer ratings and message boards.