Explains how this convention is the same as Roman Key Card Blackwood, with the exception that the first two responses to 4NT are reversed.
Explains this rarely used convention which is the same as regular Blackwood, but one complete level lower.
This page explains several conventions to deal with the opponents overcalling a suit after you have bid 4NT. It also shows an example where this may happen.
Explains this convention used to find out whether slam is a good idea. Also includes when not to use the convention.
Explains the Blue Team Club's variation on the Roman Blackwood convention.
Describes this complex convention which is used as a variation on the regular Blackwood convention.
Explains how this convention saves bidding space by initiating the blackwood sequence with a cheaper bid that 4NT.
Describes this convention (also called Voidwood) which is a variation on Roman Key Card Blackwood which allows you to show a void on the way to bidding slam
Explains this convention which is similar to but not the same as Roman Key Card Blackwood.
Explains this convention which is a variation on Blackwood which helps to find a minor suit slam without going past a safe contract.
Explains this variations of the popular convention Blackwood.
Explains this variation on Blackwood, which takes the King of Trumps as being as important as an Ace.