Furnishes an essay by Richard Lee exploring the questions of time,, objectivity, and the future of social science.
Explores Gadamer's ideas about education and argues against its narrow utilitarian measure.
Explores the hermeneutics of psychoanalysis and details the influence of Brentano on Freud's science.
List compiles by Allen S. Lee features reference books devoted to hermeneutics. See titles by Richard J. Bernstein and Terrence N. Tice.
Offers an extensive bibliographic history of hermeneutics including major texts from Aristotle, Schleiermacher, and Hemholtz.
International quarterly investigates current thought in hermeneutics and offers archived articles, conference and publication details.
Discussion group offers lengthy comments on the reading of a text during in the time it was written as opposed to its historical presence.
Discover the contributions Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger, Gadamer, and Geertz made to hermeneutics.
Explores hermeneutics from advances and theories culled from Quantum Gravity's string, weave, and morphogenetic field theories.
Read such articles as "The Continuing Relevance of Divine Law," "Jesus and the Sabbath," and "The Theology of Fulfillment."