Order from a catalog of Judaica and educational materials for religious schools. Includes a subscription plan for new releases and a newsletter.
Order books on Jewish and Christian history, archaeology, and theology. Includes contract publishing details.
Publisher offers Torah texts and commentary, and titles on Jewish history, theology, philosophy, and contemporary living.
Offers Jewish books, videos, and educational computer games for children of all ages. Includes guidelines for writers and artists.
Order books and tapes from Rabbi Michael Gold. Also posts monthly articles and offers classes and lectures on religious and family issues.
Publisher draws on the Jewish tradition to offer personal growth titles to people of all backgrounds. Includes fiction and non-fiction books.
Non-fiction and trade book publisher specializes in popular Judaica. Order titles ranging from history, to parenting, to sports.
Features colorful children's books, holiday books, calendars, and Israeli travel guides for families. Includes writers' and artists' guidelines.
Publishes textbooks and scholarly works on a wide range of historical and contemporary Jewish topics. Includes books for children.
Offers scholarly titles on religion, philosophy, history, literature, and culture. Includes English translations of Hebrew and Aramaic classics.
Publisher and library of Jewish spiritual materials. Includes a catalog, ordering, featured titles, and books for children.