E-zine of Random House and Villard Books offers book reviews, newsletters, author profiles, and purchasing capabilities.
Contains poetry and fiction from those invited to submit their works and is enhanced with RealAudio selections. Poetry and fiction contests.
International journal of literature, the arts, and opinion includes essays, poetry, and conversations. Special download edition available.
Short stories, poetry, photographs, and essays. No hate or prejudice allowed, but otherwise open to all contributors.
Small, privately published magazine contains all genres of writing and art including fiction, poetry, memoirs, non-fiction, art, and photography.
Aims to provide readers with a window on the world by exploring non-mainstream topics. Find a magazine index and subscription details.
Ezine features poetry, fiction, essays, and interviews. Check out featured contributors and those credited with putting together the site.
Beat community art showcase features photography, poetry, and a theater events calendar.
Ezine hosting poetry, short stories, personal essays, jokes, plays, photographs, and web pages. Read a missive from the editor.
Visit the archives for more of the poetry, fiction, features, columns, and letters found in each issue of LCC. Classified, recipes, and news.
Pull up a chair and evaluate submission guidelines or enjoy photos, poems, and artwork.
Features original fiction and art from authors and artists who wish to showcase their talent.
Take the online quick tour of contents, contributor bios, and teasers from the latest print issue. Find info. on contests and subscriptions.
Short prose publisher relishes the format of the small magazine. Find out how to order the magazine and read a weekly selection of its contents.
Discover a journal dedicated to discourse and reflection on the human journey, and find poetry, photography, philosophy and personal writings.
Quarterly of short science fiction, fantasy, poetry, horror, and humor written by beginning or little-known writers.
Profiles, travel, haiku, poetry, fiction, essays, and features. Take an opinion poll, subscribe, or send in work for their review.
Stories, news, commentary, and articles. Find new and old issues of the zine, subscribe, or submit a story or graphic. Visit their links.
Literary e-zine showcases emerging and established writers. Read eclectic fiction, poetry and essays.
Ezine with literary columns, insightful interviews, reviews, and topical debates on books, art, and media.
Ezine is a haven and resource for the arts. Selection of poetry, some with RealAudio readings, and various kinds of visual art.
Short stories, poetry, essays and thoughts, an archive of authors, and notes on making submissions.
Article discusses the closing of the New York Times building and details the changes in the physical production of newspapers.