Task force researched ways to promote economic development without displacing urban communities. Read the final report.
Article from April 2000 examines citizen and business reaction to the construction of a baseball stadium in downtown Detroit.
PBS documentary looks at community development financial institutions, agencies that fund community development by local businesses.
Research project tracks conflicts between developers, home owners, and the Musqueam Nation over a Vancouver housing development on Musqueam land.
Documentary by New Day Films describes a revitalization project in Roxbury, Mass. Filmmaker provides a viewer's guide for community groups.
Institute for the Study of Civic Values provides this manual on developing communities and neighborhoods. Read the book, or join discussion.
Pratt Institute Center for Community and Environmental Development provides profiles of community devpt corps. Read text or order the video.
Collection of writings arguing that redevelopment is bad for people and communities. Sponsored by rural newspaper "The Downey Eagle."
Book suggests ways of "Strengthening Families and Neighborhoods to Rebuild America." Find excerpts, chapter summaries, and ordering information.