Access data on social, political and economic issues from various sources.
Read about the methodology of this social-sciences group that studies and develops comprehensive quality-of-life statistics for world research.
Access demographic data for each of the 50 states with this interactive map. In either Java or non-Java formats.
Company's specialized On-Line Analytical Processing system provides statistics and survey data for Korean and international organizations.
Searchable national repository for public opinion poll data from the University of North Carolina's catalogs.
SSDAN is a directory of US census and other demographic data. Find reports, databases and analyses.
Data Archive and Technical Assistance center presents social science and health statistics. Includes datasets on census info and welfare.
Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research describes the main applications of the GSS Data and Information Retrieval System.
Hosts a variety of data sets and archives, including a document archive of basic reference materials. Find links to related resources.
Huge index of US demographic data, archives, data services and centers, demographic simulations and models, and web resources.