Full-service psychiatric hospital provides inpatient and partial-hospitalization services to the communities of St. Clairsville and Wheeling.
Hospital located in Chagrin Falls, outside of Cleveland, provides therapy for people with emotional and adjustment problems.
Free health information, a description of the health clinic, a map to the area and a list of participating physicians.
Learn about the physicians working for and services provided by this nonprofit, 47-bed hospital in Bucyrus, Ohio. Check for job openings.
Offers a physician/services locator, details hospital resources, and provides information about volunteering. Find details about research, residency, and fellowships.
For professionals, parents, children, and teens seeking pediatric health care info.
Specialty services and general medical care are provided for kids and teens. FAQ section features health tips, and advice on picking a doctor.
Health Alliance of Cincinnati presents patient and visitor's guides, department directories, and a collection of vital phone numbers.
Parents, kids, and teens can find details about treatment services and research. Features information for health care professionals.
Surgical clinic offers treatment for heart, coronary, and valve disease. Procedures offered include bypass, valve, and transplant surgery.
Treatment center in Chardon displays details about innovations in disease and physical therapy. Find self-help resources and a list of services.
Access this guide for location maps and program descriptions for Kettering Memorial and Sycamore hospitals. Includes educational resources.
University of Cincinnati's neurosurgery department houses the clinic. Learn about services, neurological diseases, and current research.
Cleveland health care network presents a tour of the facilities, a service and physician directory, and a tool for searching for specific data.
Find out about North Eastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine radiology residency program.
Member of the Cincinnati Health Alliance offers driving directions, a guide for visitors, and descriptions to patient services.