Taxi service provides contact information and rates for transportation services to and from the Bar Harbor and Bangor Airports.
Extensive area guide provides links to local businesses, activities and attractions. Browse the Bangor yellow pages and related links.
Provides a detailed street map of the downtown area and city limits. Browse links to other local travel guides.
Bangor's CVB provides links to general tourism and vacation planning information, including motor-coach tours, camping areas and local hotels.
Provides event and activity information, links to local Bangor attractions, city maps, and a detailed accommodation and restaurant listing.
Check out the latest vacation deals and packages offered through the Bangor City News classifieds. Includes time shares and condos.
Detailed directory provides links to local Bangor businesses, including restaurants, hotels, shops and services.
Browse this extensive list of activities available in Maine. Covers biking, camping, shopping and cultural events.
Guide to the commercial and activity center of Bangor. Find an events calendar and a business directory.
Get up-to-date data regarding the roadside services available off of I-95. Includes gas, food, picnic areas and rest rooms.
Guide to vacationing in Bangor provides links to local shops, up-to-date weather forecasts and an interactive area map.