Find brief descriptions and rates for numerous, mostly up-market, hotels countrywide. Includes a reservation option.
Tour operator presents a section on Syrian attractions and gives tour suggestions. Read about the romantic train trip and the bohemian tour.
Factsheet gives general country as geography, population statistics, government and economy details.
Find links to country information, accommodations and travel and tour agencies. Includes a map and travel advisory information.
Learn the small nation's borders, plus get details on its tumultuous history, topography, climate, ethnic groups, economy, and government.
Find the latest headlines from this country in English, French and Arabic. Also offers Syria maps.
Syrian Ministry of Tourism presents its list of four and five-star hotels. Provides contact, facility and pricing information.
Find a short list of accommodations, presented by the Association of Business Travelers. Offers online reservations.
Presented by the Syrian Ministry of Tourism, this resource offers both tourist and business information, including town descriptions and tours.