Details the reigning kings of Edom, Esau and Jacob's conflict, and Edom's denial of passage to the Israelites and its consequent ruin.
Furnishes Biblical quotations and in-depth background on the prophecy of Edom's ruin for its opposition and enmity toward Israel.
Provides a doctoral dissertation suggesting the story of Hadad as presented in Kings is not historically accurate.
Furnishes a series of notes on the minor prophet, the history of Edom, and an outline on the Old Testament book.
Posits the synonymous aspects of Rome, Edom, and Christianity with mystical Babylon. Details the King of Chittim, Albianus' conquering of Edom.
Describes the effect of the mountain strongholds and impregnable fortress that led the people of Edom to believe themselves invulnerable.
Details the worshipper of Jehovah who prophesied the destruction of Edom. Also describes Hadad of Edom's conflict with Solomon.