Reports on the Soviet leader's strategical rise to power after Stalin's death and his weaknesses.
Read a Library of Congress evaluation of the Soviet leader's foreign policy, political reforms and his eventual loss of power.
Special report provides a brief biography of the former Soviet ruler and describes his political career and historic significance.
Find a brief biography of the former Soviet ruler and a chronicle of his leadership and eventual downfall.
Provides a brief biography of the Cold War leader of the former Soviet Union and gives an overview of his reign and eventual downfall.
Read the article outlining the Soviet leader's life and accomplishments and highlighting his historical significance.
Provides a photo and profile of this Soviet Communist leader who served as premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics from 1958 to 1964.
Modern History Sourcebook presents the full text of Soviet leader Khruschchev's speech to the Communist Party of the former USSR.
Find a history of this union between the former Soviet Union and the East European Socialist States from its origins in the Cold War era.