Briefly analyzes the Imperial Russian Tsar's major reforms and reports on his foreign policy efforts.
Encyclopedia article about the emperor of Russia whose reign began during the Crimean War offers a brief account of his reforms.
Read an outline of this nineteenth century Imperial Russian Tsar's biography and view his portrait.
Reprint of an eyewitness account appears in the Modern History Sourcebook. Read a detailed description of the ceremony.
Describes the impact of the radical reform implemented by Alexander II and the events that followed. Must have RealPlayer to access the site.
Presents a short biography of this Russian Orthodox monk from the nineteenth century who was instrumental in the emancipation of the slaves.
Report from the Library of Congress describes the aftermath of the Treaty of Paris and the wave of political expression in the age of reform.
Library of Congress report on Russia highlights the multifaceted changes implemented by Alexander II and the reaction to his assassination.
Examines the rule of Nicholas I in the context of the revolutionary movements that had started to spread throughout Europe.
Master's thesis carries out an analysis of the social history of two different villages in Imperial Russia after Alexander's Emancipation act.