Encyclopedia article about 19th century Romanian statesman Ion Bratianu chronicles his efforts to create an independent Romanian state.
Profile of early 20th century Romanian dictator Ion Bratianu offers a brief history of his career as leader of Romania.
Check out a brief biography of Carol II of Romania, who ruled as king until Germany's occupation of his country at the beginning of WWII.
Profile of deceased Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu offers a history of his rise to power in Romania and link to related topics.
Find a background on the historical ethnic debate in Romania over the region of Transylvania. Describes early setters' origins.
Encarta article profiles the ruler of Romania during the time of World War I and provides a history of his leadership in post-war Romania.
Provides an overview of the interest taken by Russia and the Ottoman Turks in the revolutionary movement in Romania.
Read a lecture from a series on the history of the Balkans for a background history on the revolutionary movement in nineteenth century Romania.
Book on the Holocaust is subtitled "History and Voices of the Tragedy in Romania and Transnistria." The full text of Felicia Carmelly's work is provided.
Find out about this Romanian activist's writings and actions and their impact on the revolt in Blaj.
Read the first chapter in the Library of Congress' country profile history of Romania. Follow the links forward for further information.
Learn about the era of revolt in Romania, Moldova and Transylvania from this biography of a Moldovan activist and leader.
Presents reports on a series of topics in the Central European nation's development with profiles of historic figures such as Dracula.
Examines the linguistic history of Romania and the medieval Vlach dialect for an overview of the decline of the Roman Empire in the Balkans.