Profile of the former head of the Communist Party in Italy explains Berlinguer's stance on Soviet doctrine and provides a history of his efforts.
Historical profile of Cesare Borgia, the son of Pope Alexander VI, offers an account of his rise to power in central Italy in the late 1400s.
Profiles the Renaissance art patron whose court was renowned for its promotion of major art figures.
Describes the Italian soldier and adventurer renown for his prowess as a ladies' man.
Encyclopedia article on Renaissance diplomat and author Baldassare Catiglione offers a history of his career in politics and letters.
Biography of Italian prime minister Alcide De Gasperi describes his activities during World War II and examines his leadership in post-war Italy.
Encyclopedia article briefly profiles this ruling dynasty also know as Ferrara. Find links to related articles and resources.
Encyclopedia excerpt describes the reign of Bourbon ruler Francis II and offers an account of the fall of his kingdom to revolutionary forces.
Encyclopedia article describes the life and political career of Giovanni Giolitti, Italian prime minister at the turn of the century.
Features a brief profile of the 15th century printer and scholar who opened a publishing house in Venice dedicated to Greek and Latin classics.
Encyclopedia article provides a portrait and biography of this 19th century Italian revolutionary and advocate of Italian unification.
Offers a brief profile of the Italian banker, politician, and arts patron of Renaissance Florence.
Prime minister of Italy in the '60s and '70s was kidnapped and killed by a group of left-wing terrorists, the Red Brigades, in 1978.
Offers an overview of the Italian ducal family of Milan who governed from 1450 - 1535.
Read an encyclopedia article about this Milanese family and find links to related resources.
Details the family of Florentine sculptors best known for their restorations, monuments, and specifically for the tomb of a Portuguese cardinal.
Features a short chronicle of the reign of the king of Sardinia whose tyrannical rule brought about his own abdication in 1821.
Contains a short overview of the reign of the king of Sardinia and of Italy who promoted Italian unification.
Furnishes facts about the reign of the king of Italy, Albania, and Ethiopia who became one of Mussolini's cronies.