Maintains an archive of primary documents and resources related to Honduran politics. Find the constitution and electoral laws and data.
Excerpt from the Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedia overviews the colonial and independence periods of Honduran history. Also find a political map.
Educational resource for high school teachers and students provides an annotated directory of sites dealing with Honduran history and culture.
Read the Honduran government's letter of intent to the International Monetary Fund that explains the policies it will implement to receive loans.
University of Texas center maintains a directory of resources relating to Honduran history, culture, and politics. Find newsgroups.
Honduran weekly news magazine runs articles on current events, politics, and culture, in English. Search current or back issues.
Gives an overview of the bank's lending history in Honduras, and provides detailed economic indicators that trace social and economic trends.
Organization that establishes foreign factories in Central America offers a brief history of Honduras. Also read about the political structure.