Chronicles the ancient and modern history of Tibet. Supplies a map showing historical and contemporary boundaries. provides this brief description of the 1959 uprising in occupied Tibet.
Read an account from the Dalai Lama's "My Land and My People" describing his 1959 exile from Tibet. provides this one-page overview of Tibetan history. Begins with the 7th century AD and proceeds to the present era.
Guide details the rich history of Tibet from the 7th century AD to the modern era.
Details the invasion of Tibet by the People's Republic of China in 1949 and the legal maneuverings involved in its annexation.
Article by Huang Xiangyang exposes old Tibet's dark past when it was operating under the feudal serfdom system.
Mayank Chhaya provides an overview of the history of Tibet from the 7th century AD to the modern age.
Official site of the government of Tibet in exile furnishes guides to its departmental structure and government officials.