Presents a series of pages on early Japan, their religions and culture. Includes links to Japanese cultural resources.
Presents the seventeen point constitution drafted by Prince Shotoku in the Yamato period.
Presents images from ancient Japanese art to illustrate figures and beliefs of the period. Read detailed texts on culture and religion.
Discusses recent discoveries of Jomon culture artifacts on the island of Kyushu. Connect to other archaeological digs throughout the world.
Introduces the early cultures of Japan from hunter-gatherer tribes. Provides numerous links on feudal development and agriculture.
Recounts the discovery of a Jomon skeleton that carbon dating has verified as the oldest remains known from that time. Illustrated.
Provides a general overview of Japanese history from the Jomon period. Connect to Japanese cultural topics such as clothing, festivals and food.
Historical essay examines prehistoric Japanese culture, including immigration trends, village life and artifacts of the mesolithic period.
Provides illustrations of a dig revealing evidence that Jomon culture included plant cultivation. Includes map.