Guide to this former Portuguese enclave on India's western coast includes a map, slide show, basic facts, travel advice, events and attractions.
Find general demographic information along with maps outlining Goa's location within India and tourist attractions.
Huge resource on Goa with masses of information for tourists including beaches, hotels, food and getting around, plus links to businesses in Goa.
Get Goan recipes, traveller's tips, and search the database for hotels and restaurants, or look up the beaches to find nearby food and hotels.
Peruse a general profile of the region, and learn about its native literature, music and cuisine. With electronic postcards.
Organized by tourism and business sections, this resource offers a directory of area hotels, free email and a chat room.
Former Portuguese enclave is spotlighted with photos, maps and animation.
Travel service provides hotel-room reservations and vacation packages to Goa, India. Learn about the region, check updated maps, or make a reservation.
Quick look at the mystical Indian state of Goa, the smallest in the country but still heavily populated.