Provides an overview of the strongest imperial period from 206 BCE- 9 CE. Briefly discusses the establishment of Confucianism.
Article by Professor Yin Weizhang chronicles the history of the Eastern han dynasty which ruled ancient China from 25 to 220 AD.
Outlines the administrative changes between 202 BCE - 8 CE. Includes summaries of centralization and State Confucianism.
China and East Asia Chronology lists the major events in the history of China's Western Han dynasty, 202 BC to 9 AD. Profiles Emperor Wu Ti.
Provides details on the changes made in this period including the invention of paper and porcelain, and foreign trade along the Silk Route.
Learn about the political, social and economic history of the imperial dynasty known as the golden age of Chinese philosophy.
Also known as the Eastern Han dynasty. Offers a concise political summary of the period from 25-220 CE.
China and East Asia Chronology lists the major events in the history of the Eastern Han dynasty. Details the conquest of Tonkin and Annam.
Offers an overview of the dynasty responsible for China's golden age of philosophy, including the establishment of Confucianism and Buddhism.
Read a brief encyclopedia article about this ancient historian to Han emperor Wu Ti. Also find links to related articles.
Professor Yin Weizhang chronicles the rise and fall of the Western Han dynasty which ruled ancient China from 202 BC to 8 AD.
Contains a short profile of the Chinese emperor of the Han dynasty who expanded the empire and gave the state's support to confucianism.
Profiles the Xi Han emperor Han Gao Zu and chronicles events in China during Han rule. Includes maps, paintings and artifacts from the era.