Offers education in Chinese language and culture to foreign students. Find program and faculty profiles, press releases, and a contact address.
Check out this prominent university to train next generation of teachers of all levels of schools in China.
Features an overview of its departments, labs and institutes. Peruse continuing and international education programs.
Liberal arts institution is located in Beijing. Find overviews of department and programs, and contact information.
Provides information about the history and importance of this institution, and details campus library services and abroad programs.
Shanghai institution presents profiles of its colleges and schools. Tour the campus, peruse details on exchange programs, and find related links.
Learn about the history, academics, admissions process, campus life, library and museums, news and events, and network services.
Find a general guide to this school, and overviews of department and research centers. Includes a contact address and related links.
Presents admission, academics, and administration info, an overview of student life, and details of undergrad and grad programs.
Wuhan institution features a profile of its programs, library and international activities. Peruse teaching, research and medical services.
Beijing, China, university library offers access to its catalogs, a brief history, and interlibrary loan details. Written in English and Chinese.
Guide includes general information, a campus photo tour, listings of departments and laboratories and international education information.
Features a list of undergraduate and graduate programs, and guides for visiting students. Browse event updates and a message from the president.
Browse an overview of this Guangzhou school's departments and programs. Includes an international student guide, a photo tour and related links.